Beyonce, please tell us: Where do your Grammys go?

Beyonce, please tell us: Where do your Grammys go?

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We have many pressing questions.

On Feb. 5, 2023, Beyoncé became the first artist to have won the most Grammy awards in history. Before she collected her 32nd Grammy, the record was held by Georg Solti, a Hungarian-British conductor with 31 Grammys from his work with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and others. Since the 1997 death of the world-renowned conductor, Beyoncé has changed the game and the world of music as we know it. Since her first Grammy win in 2001 with her group Destiny’s Child, her wins have set a golden precedent for women artists who aspire to become famed musicians.

Who knows how many more Grammys Beyoncé will win in years to come? Not only will she continue to make history, but she will make it increasingly challenging, nearly impossible, for any other artist to steal this crown from her. It took Beyoncé 25 years of recording and nearly 90 nominations to win more Grammys than Solti, and it could be double that amount of time before another musician takes her place at the top.

That just begs the question: where does Queen Bey put all of those Grammys and all her other awards won throughout her career? In her impressive mansion she shares with her accomplished husband, Jay-Z, does Beyoncé have some kind of organization system? Does she have them all together or does she place them sporadically around the house? Did she have someone build a shelf for her with large LED lights shining brightly on her awards, or does she have them shoved in a storage room somewhere?

Maybe she has her own award room or maybe she uses them as paperweights or bookends. And do her awards take priority over her husband’s? While she gets the handcrafted floating shelves with a spotlight, does Jay-Z put his on the bookshelf that collects dust in one of the guest rooms that no one ever uses? Or are all of their Grammy awards displayed together, but with Jay-Z’s pushed to the back to make room for Beyoncé’s extra wins?

When an artist wins an award, they always give a moving speech about how surprised and grateful they are to have such amazing and supportive fans. But do the artists like Beyoncé, who have dozens of awards and therefore must make just as many speeches, just recycle what they say? It may happen so much that they actually have someone on hand to write these speeches for them.

When musicians achieve a certain number of awards, do they even matter anymore? In the beginning, it is always such an accomplishment to be recognized and loved by millions of people. But after years and years of getting the same Grammy award and saying the same speech only to do it again in the next award ceremony, does it get old? Is it no longer a challenge and an accomplishment anymore? Does Beyoncé’s 31st Grammy win this year feel different than her first one?

And when she won the 32nd award and realized it meant she has more Grammys than anyone, did she finally feel like she finally achieved something great? Or did she feel like she had to hire someone to build another shelf?



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