Panther Profiles: The five finalists for SGA’s $1000 Challenge
Campus News, Community March 25, 2021, Comments Off 259Drury University is home to a vast student body that are intriguing, ambitious, individualistic and a delight to know. To showcase these varying personalities, the Mirror has created Panther Profiles as a spotlight on those within the campus to share their memories and experiences at Drury University.
As student voting draws to a close, the five SGA $1000 Challenge finalists shared their projects, what inspired them to enter the challenge and their time at Drury University.

Lizzie’s dog, who served as inspiration for her contest submission
Lizzie Daggett
Majors/minors/student organizations?
Architecture major, computer science minor (maybe graphic design). American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
What made you decide to participate in the SGA challenge?
I had been thinking about my shelter pup and thought my idea would be good for all the Dog ESAs and pets on campus!
Why did you decide on your specific project?
I had been formulating this idea that if I was able to live in Summit [Park], my volunteer work would be with a shelter, and although I am not in Summit, I adopted a pup from a shelter, and thought a dog park would be a great way to give him a better experience on campus. Currently I have to drive 10-15 minutes to get to a good dog park near campus.
How have your experiences at Drury shaped your goals for entering the SGA challenge?
Not really sure… I definitely do a lot of brain storming being an architecture student, and it just gave me the idea of creating a fun public space for other students to come meet and greet and get to pet and play with on-campus pups!
What’s your Drury vision?
I am not really sure about my vision of Drury. It definitely feels like an inclusive university experience. I definitely would love for the campus to have more open and inviting outdoor spaces, and this dog park could be a fun addition.

Samantha Ellis
Samantha Ellis
Majors/minors/student organizations?
I am an English & Writing major and a history and communications minor. I am the Vice President of Member Education in Kappa Delta and a copy editor for The Mirror.
What made you decide to participate in the SGA challenge?
I decided to participate in the SGA challenge on a complete whim. I had seen the challenge being promoted on Instagram, but I didn’t give it much thought until I thought of my idea. When that happened, I decided to just go ahead and submit it and see what happened.
Why did you decide on your specific project?
The idea came to me when I was having a conversation with my roommate about how the first graduating class at Drury was all women. I had never heard that before so when she told me, I was surprised that we didn’t have anything on campus to commemorate them, and I thought it was maybe time for us to change that.
How have your experiences at Drury shaped your goals for entering the SGA challenge?
My experiences at Drury — the leadership positions I’ve been able to take, the projects I’ve worked on, the support from my professors — have all led to me feeling confident enough to act on my ideas and put them out there. Before Drury, I may have had ideas that I wanted to share, but I wouldn’t have been brave enough to actually tell them to anyone. But at Drury, I feel supported, and that comfort and encouragement has helped me grow in that way.
What’s your Drury vision?
My vision of Drury is that it becomes whatever the students choose to make of it. I am not going to lie, there are many times where it feels like students speak out about what they want, and the administration doesn’t always listen. I would love to see that change. I want student voices to not only be heard but actively listened to. Drury is known for its small-school community, and I want to see that reflected in all parts of campus life.

Vida Mashouri
Vida Mashouri
Majors/minors/student organizations?
My major is undecided and my minor is psychology. l am not part of SGA yet as l my schedule didn’t let me join them so far. However, l would like to know about them more.
What made you decide to participate in the SGA challenge?
I wanted to just share my ideas with SGA ,and luckily they chose one of them.
Why did you decide on your specific project?
A gazebo on campus was an idea that l felt because of Covid and also the season students might need a new place to have food, hang out and enjoy the weather. In addition, l believed the campus needed something new which can make it more beautiful and count as outdoor recreation.
How have your experiences at Drury shaped your goals for entering the SGA challenge?
I got a zoom link last semester and joined one of the meetings online. It was a good experience. Although it was my first time, they listened to my suggestion and spent time with me.
What’s your vision of Drury?
I think right now that we still are struggling with Covid-19. Drury did a really good job to keep classes in person and do the random Covid tests. There are so many students who are my friends from all around the world, and they cannot believe we are doing in person classes. l am an international student. While l am hanging out with other internationals, we feel we need a bit more support on campus. Understanding that international students are starting over by themself might be the starting point. On the other hand, professors mostly are so understanding about student situations and l really like that. They try to do their best.

Maddi Schneider
Maddi Schneider
Majors/minors/student organizations?
My majors are Finance and Computer Science Software Engineering, and my minor is French. I am part of the tennis team and SAC.
What made you decide to participate in the SGA challenge?
I saw the challenge on Instagram, and I thought it is a good opportunity to be involved where the money will be invested.
Why did you decide on your specific project?
I wanted a technology update in the FSC because I think it would be nice to have a place on campus to watch movies or play video games with friends from different housing complexes.
How have your experiences at Drury shaped your goals for entering the SGA challenge?
I think Drury is a really small and familiar campus, so I felt more confident entering the challenge.
What’s your Drury vision?
My vision of Drury is to have success by supporting each other, and I think Drury will work further on having the best possible atmosphere in order for every student to have success and happiness here.

Gabriella Wuller
Gabriella Wuller
Majors/minors/student organizations?
I am an Elementary Education major with minors in English and Business & Entrepreneurship. I am a staff writer for the student newspaper The Mirror, Vice President Membership of Kappa Delta and President of the Drury Student Teacher Association (DSTA).
What made you decide to participate in the SGA challenge?
To be completely frank, I was writing an article for The Mirror to introduce SGA’s $1,000 Challenge to those on campus. Whilst writing I was trying to think of an idea I could submit, and eventually one came to me on the last day of the challenge.
Why did you decide on your specific project?
On the last day of the challenge, I was taking care of one of my plants before I went to work that day. Then later in the afternoon, I was walking through College Park and noticed how there were many open green spaces that were not used. I started caring for my own plants during the pandemic, and it brightens my spirits. Having something to do and help grow made me feel better about myself and proud of keeping all my plants alive (it took me a long time to get a green thumb), and I thought to myself that if all, or even just a handful of students could feel the way I did when tending to my plants, then it would be fantastic. That was when I thought of the idea of having a Community Garden of certain plants and flowers in College Park for the student body to enjoy.
How have your experiences at Drury shaped your goals for entering the SGA challenge?
Overall, my experiences at Drury University have been extremely positive but not perfect. Especially with the past year, it has been hard to create and maintain friendships and relationships on campus. I have had to rely on other methods to keep my spirits up, which have mainly been spending time with my Guinea pig and tending to my plants. Even though this year has been so immensely difficult, having a task to focus on that lifts your spirits when you’re down is something that I wish every student at Drury could experience.
What’s your Drury vision?
My vision of Drury University is to grow (literally) a sense of community. Obviously, this year has been more difficult than most, but I want to get back to the times we had before, if not better, like having a sense of community between each academic grade, professors, different organizations on campus, etc. Each group cares about Drury and should have the opportunity to have a chance to grow (literally) their love on campus. (I apologize I love puns).
Article by Maclen Johnson