Be Like A Millionaire: How to use the system to your advantage

Be Like A Millionaire: How to use the system to your advantage

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According to The Balance Everyday’s online article Taking Advantage of the Billions of Dollars of Available Coupons, only 1% of American households use coupons, though the payoff of using them could be more than the average household receives in raises a year. The article then moves forward with an extreme example of millionaires. According to this article and the partnered article The Dollar General Coupon Policy millionaires contain the outlook of compounding interest in dollars saved, and coupon stacking. The idea of stacking/doubling coupons and buying in bulk can be made into a lifestyle. Essentially, millionaires are millionaires, because they’re cheap. Who would’ve thought?

But are they cheap?

According to the second article, dollar general coupons are accepted at most commercial retailers and allow coupon stacking. They release their coupons weekly, and partner with large local merchants. They even have a Digital Coupon Gallery that students can download to use when doing their shopping. The point of these partnered articles is that most self-made individuals know how to struggle before they succeed, so there is no shame in utilizing the resources available to help you succeed. Most know the Dollar General Coupon Policy. The idea of this revolves around turning the behavior of couponing into a lifestyle, which allows the funds saved to compound over a lifetime. Looking at the savings from an arching viewpoint allows the consumer to see the extent of the money they make and put back into the economy.

It’s not about how much money a person earns. It’s about how they use their money, and the behaviors they keep when spending. Forbes discusses a comment Psychology Today provided in their article How Retailers Can Maximize the Power of Coupons; consumers choose purchases that yield savings because it gives them, “control over the discount,” and therefore control over their behavior. The article talks about “smart shopper feelings” and how they can both positively and negatively affect consumer behavior. Essentially, it feels good to make a healthy choice if we get ourselves into the habit of prioritizing that healthy choice.

In a time where purchasing can be painful it’s important to remember that prioritizing where your money is spent is key. If you can stop at Dollar General and use a digital coupon from the gallery-along with an instore coupon discount, to get your toilette paper for $2.25, why on earth would you spend $6.00 at Wal-Mart? Don’t be ashamed to take advantage of the consumer system, because at the end of the day it rarely works in the student’s favor.

Use your ID badges at local restaurants. Pick up the yearly coupon book that can be used for ANY university student at Price Cutter-by the front door. Check your apartment complex deals, see if you can snag a TLC Property sponsored coupon book for MSU, Drury and Evangel students. By all means, buy a newspaper and do your coupon clipping on Sundays while watching Netflix. Work your situation to your favor, like the millionaires.


Article by Shelbi Karki



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