Amendment 3: Reproductive Freedom

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The 2024 election day is quickly approaching and while the country will be voting for next president, there are other topics that will be voted on as well. On Missouri’s ballot, we will be voting on 6 statewide measures. It is necessary to be educated on these measures as they will affect the entire population of Missouri.

One of the biggest and most important amendments on the upcoming ballot is Amendment 3- Reproductive Freedom. This amendment could be a monumental step towards a women’s rights movement. Amendment 3 would amend the Missouri constitution to provide the right to reproductive freedom to all women in the state.

According to Ballotpedia, Reproductive Freedom is defined as “the right to make and carry out decisions about all matters relating to reproductive health care, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care, and respectful birthing conditions.”

This measure will allow the state legislature to enact laws that regulate abortion after fetal viability. Fetal viability will be decided by the healthcare provider and will also be decided based on the facts of the case.

If this law is enacted by the Missouri state legislature, then abortion could not be restricted if the judgment of the treating health care professional claims it is needed to protect the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant person.

In the state of Missouri abortion is banned, but there are certain exceptions. For example, preventing the risk or saving the life of the pregnant woman in question. This law in motion to ban abortions was put into place on June 24, 2022.

When this law went into place there was a huge controversy around it, and it created an uproar of opinions in the state. The topic of abortion has been a consistent conversation ever since. This law also states that women who want to undergo an abortion must be deemed fit, meaning they must go through a 72-hour waiting period and receive counseling before their procedure.

State insurances such as Medicaid, as well as private health insurances, will not cover abortion fees except for in rare circumstances. Additionally, if you are under 18 seeking an abortion you must receive parental consent.

All these facts in play the current law the state of Missouri has in place on reproductive rights could put many women in bad situations, and overall limit a woman’s human rights. Access to healthcare is a human need and should not have any limitations on it.

The availability of abortion is a way to protect autonomy and reduce maternal mortality. Therefore, voting yes on Amendment 3- Reproductive Health will create a more safe and free state.


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