The Playdate consoles: a handheld competitor

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The first handheld console was released in 1979 by Smith Engineering, called the LCD-Based Micro vision. 10 years later Nintendo released their first handheld console effectively changing the game, these days their hand-held consoles are revered as some of the best in the industry. However, there’s a new handheld gaming system on the market, will it be able to compete? 

The Playdate console was announced back in May of 2019 by Panic, a video game and software company. This console was made in collaboration with a Swedish company called Teenage Engineering, which traditionally manufactured things like synthesizers, drum machines, and speakers.  

The console itself is very reminiscent of older beloved handheld devices much like Nintendo’s Game Boy and DS. The device is very small, small enough to fit in your pocket, comes in a bright yellow color, it has two buttons and a d-pad along with a crank. The screen is in black and white only and is not backlit, so you cannot play your Playdate in the dark, you would need another light source.  

Though the console was released back in April of 2022, many people did not receive their devices until this year. According to the website, this was due to the factory used to produce these consoles. There have been a lot of mystics surrounding this device because of the long wait times and the price. Though the console can fit in the palm of your hand it costs about 200 dollars to purchase a Playdate, this has caused many people to turn up their noses. 

One of the main reasons for this is that you can get many other consoles for the same price that are a lot more advanced. For example, the Nintendo Switch Lite is about 200 dollars as well, when compared to the playdate it seems a lot more worth it. Though the price is steep, when you purchase your play date you will get 2 free games every week for 12 weeks, so players will eventually get 24 games for free. 

More games are available for purchase in the store, so players have access to more than just 24 games. The main gripe about this console is the price for something that is just a bit underwhelming and potentially not worth it when compared to other things on the market. However, this console may open new avenues for coding and game development communities because of its unique platform and mechanics due to the inclusion of the crank on the side of the console. 

Though there is a lot of debate surrounding whether the Playdate is worth the price or even able to compete with other big names in the business, the mystic surrounding it and its unique player experience may be enough to keep it afloat. There is also the fact that a lot of the people who have purchased a Playdate are very happy with it. Who knows? Maybe as time goes on and more games and features are added the Playdate could become one of the most popular handheld consoles on the market.  



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