A talk with new Drury University students 

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During the first weeks of school, the Drury first-years have seen many exciting new things. 

Orientation was an exciting experience for first-years as they got to experience a true Drury welcome along with giveaways and a spectacular firework show. Along with getting to know some of our classmates, we had the opportunity to speak with students who were in our position a year ago.  

While orientation was jam packed with activities and information, what has happened since then? And how do the new Drury students feel about their new home?  

I asked a few questions to the newest Drury students about how they were settling into college life. “I am settling in pretty well. I thought it would be a big transition,” first-year Innessa Maystrenko states, “but it is not too bad in comparison to the community college I went to.”  

And when I asked them how they liked their living arrangements on campus, several students commented that they thought their dorms were perfect.  

“I am enjoying all of my classes so far,” a first-year student explained, “A few of them have definitely made me realize that I need to put in a lot of time, but overall, it’s good.” 

These answers seemed to correlate with the answers when I asked if they still liked their decided major. A few of the students had architecture, computer science, or graphic design majors. And the students think the Drury campus is great; there are so many places to work on homework and study.  

A couple of places these students prefer are a couch in their dorms and the study lobbies in the C.H. O’Reilly Enterprise Center on the second and third floor.  

Overall, the favorite part of college for first years was mixed. Some students chose a place on campus, such as the cafeteria, and others said their favorite thing was learning the progress they have made since coming to Drury University.  

And lastly, when I asked them if they believe they could achieve the goals they have set for themselves, Nastia Yermishyna, a first year and international student answered, “absolutely.”  

As a first-year student, I have had a very similar experience. I love the relationships that both other students and instructors actively create with each other. I am ecstatic to continue my future with these students at Drury.  

If the past few weeks show anything, these students are determined to make their life here at Drury memorable, and the university is all too happy to help.  



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