The problem with the Oklahoma abortion law

The problem with the Oklahoma abortion law

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Trigger warning: mentions of abortion, assault, rape, incest, and other subjects that could possibly be triggering. I advise to turn away from this article at any point you start feeling uncomfortable. Your mental wellbeing is important.

Abortion has been a sensitive topic in America. We are at war with one another, fighting each other based on whether we are either “pro-life” or “pro-choice”. We have limited one another to be on one side or another, leaving little to no room for a conversation. It can be a painful conversation to have. It can be a sensitive topic to talk about. But it is something we cannot simply ignore and go about life blissfully.

There are lives impacted by these conversations. And I am here to lend my mind to the matter as an event recently took place that made me think about this topic. That piece of news is the government of Oklahoma passing a new law that will ban almost all abortions. The only exception is for “medical emergencies”.

From the bill itself, it says that a medical emergency is “a condition which cannot be remedied by delivery of the child in which an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of a pregnant woman whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness or physical injury including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself”.

Now that is understandable, having an abortion for the physical wellness of the individual. But why must something be physically wrong? Does emotional damage and choice not matter? It does not really seem like saving the life of every pregnant person. It seems like it is ignoring what happens after this child is born.

And anyone who helps someone with an abortion in the state of Oklahoma will possibly be fined $100,000, or face imprisonment for up to 10 years, or even both.

In the case of rape and/or incest, Oklahoma representatives believe it is a terrible circumstance, however, the “baby” has a right to life and cannot be blamed for the father’s mistakes.

It is very ironic that all these old politicians are so for saving these unborn children. Yet, look what happens afterwards. Kids face death every day they walk into school in fear of school shootings. All because they do not want guns taken away from them. But they are fine taking away women’s rights to do as they will with their bodies. Forcing women to come to full term with an unwanted child is how we are going to protect the young youths of today, when they cannot even protect them now.

I know that is a very drastic turn to take this piece, but is it that much of a stretch? I mean, there is clearly a double standard here. Men are allowed to have control of their guns but women are not allowed to have control over their bodies, as America has worked for years.

Some women do not have enough support to move to another state to get an abortion. They do not have the resources. So how would they have the resources to raise a child or children?

This also takes away from women who cannot mentally care for the child. How do politicians expect people in these circumstances to provide for a child and give them what they need to be successful? I think representatives and politicians need to take in other voices besides their own side and have a conversation. Rather than just making a decision that will impact a group of people that they will never be able to understand.

Article by Rylan DeHaven



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