2022 BUIC Fashion Show

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This February, BUIC in collaboration with French club put on their second annual fashion show. This year the theme was through the decades and showcased looks from the 70s, 80s, 90s and the 2000s. Each decade had a male and female model and had four looks for each decade. The show included food and drinks and fun music.

The show was started with a few words from Bari Anue explaining how BUIC got started and what their message was. Anue also explained how BUIC is trying to expand to be for everyone and how they are trying to make the club a safe space for all students. She also talked about all the upcoming events that BUIC will be hosting.

The outfits were really cool and showcased black fashion though out all the decades listed, including mentioning the Black Panther movement from the 70s. The models did a great job and emulated their respective eras wonderfully. Each person embraced the era and really put their personality into their walk and the look itself.

The audience seemed to really enjoy the show and one fan-favorite seemed to be the 70s,

“I really loved all the outfits from the 70s, they were definitely my favorite,” Jill Komadina said.

The 70s looks were not the only ones that people seemed to enjoy, the 90s and 2000s seemed to be a favorite of many people who attended.

“If I had to pick a favorite I would say that it was either the be the 90s or the 2000s, I loved their looks and their energy,” Emily Morales said.

This year’s show was very successful and fun, there is no doubt that Drury students are looking forward to what the future holds for BUIC.



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