Anti-Mask is not Pro-Choice

Anti-Mask is not Pro-Choice

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With the Biden administration’s newly announced vaccine mandate for federal workers, the anti-mask movement has one again come back into the public eye. Anti-maskers believe that the government should not be allowed to tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies, an argument eerily familiar to that of the pro-choice movement regarding abortions. It is safe to assume several anti-maskers fall on the more conservative end of the political
spectrum, probably under the label of ‘Trumpism,’ which follows the former president’s practice of calling out the ‘fake news media,’ when in actuality, the news just was not reflecting his own
ideas or those of his following.

With one of Trump supporters’ biggest platforms being restricting access to abortions, all of this begs the question: are these people fully ‘pro-choice,’ or just anti- women’s health?

While roughly half the population will be affected by the new and ever-changing abortion laws, all people are affected by COVID-19. Why is it that these people claim to know what’s best for women seeking abortions, but won’t listen to qualified doctors and scientists who have the same mission?

While I am not one to conflate the loss of life, finances and stability of the pandemic with patriarchal oppression, I would just like to ask readers to keep a close eye on these newly converted ‘pro-choice’ believers, and, after this pandemic, see whose choices they are really in favor of.


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