Upcoming English Symposium: Drury’s English department celebrates achievements and presents new material

Upcoming English Symposium: Drury’s English department celebrates achievements and presents new material

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April 21 marks the day of the English symposium here at Drury, an opportunity for students involved in literature, writing and publishing to showcase their work and experience that of others.

Typically, this student-planned event includes the release of the year’s new volume of the “Currents” literary magazine, produced by the Small Press Publishing class, as well as student readings, presentations, exhibitions and giveaways of work.

Among the new events at this year’s symposium will be a student showcase in the evening and a student work walk in which writers can show off what they’ve produced.

“In the past we’ve just had a regular keynote speaker,” says senior Sarah Merlenbach. Sarah has helped to set up the symposium and will be presenting her research project concerning the need for independent bookstores.

The symposium serves as a flagship for the work of students involved in the creation of zines, fiction and nonfiction books, research projects and more. An all-encompassing ceremony, it includes talks, walks and celebrations.

“There will be a send-off for the graduating seniors in Sigma Tau Delta,” Sarah adds.

The symposium occurs just before the Honors Symposium, a separate event occurring on April 26th, at which honors students will present research and semester projects of their own.

Article by Kay Wacasey



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