Sweet Caroline’s Family Feud: A game show fundraising event in a beloved student’s honor

Sweet Caroline’s Family Feud: A game show fundraising event in a beloved student’s honor

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Nearly two years ago, Drury’s campus was shaken to the core by the sudden and tragic passing of a beloved student, Caroline Conrad. Conrad, who would have been a senior Psychology and Criminology major this year, was a dynamic influence in Drury’s community. She was involved in several organizations: Zeta Tau Alpha, Student Union Board, Residence Life and the Drury Bowling team being only a handful of them.

Caroline was known and loved by many at Drury, and especially by her sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) sorority. Last year, the women of ZTA remembered Caroline by hosting a dancing competition and fundraiser in her honor, the proceeds of which were used to fund a scholarship in her name. While dancing isn’t allowed this year due to Covid-19 guidelines, Caroline’s family and her ZTA sisters wanted to make sure that there would still be something this year to celebrate her and to raise money for the scholarship in her honor. The result? Caroline’s Family Feud event.

Last year’s fundraiser event in Caroline’s name, the Dance-a-thon, was made to reflect one of the best known parts of her personality: her love of line dancing. This year’s event was designed to showcase another one of her favorites, the iconic game show host Steve Harvey. While Harvey himself will not be there, the event will be based around the game show “Family Feud,” with teams competing to answer questions just like on the show. However, there will also be carnival games and raffle baskets present for those who aren’t competing.

The event will take place on April 13 from 7-9 p.m. in the FSC Ballroom. If you wish to attend, you will need to buy a ticket. Shirts are also available for purchase, and ZTA is currently accepting donations as well. Donations, as well as ticket and shirt purchases, can be made here. All of the proceeds raised will go towards the scholarship fund set up in Caroline’s name.

Covid-19 guidelines will certainly be in place for the safety of all those who choose to go to the event. However, for those who want to support the event but don’t wish to go in person, there is always the option of donating or watching the event virtually. Ultimately, no matter how you choose to get involved, Caroline’s Family Feud event is a great way to remember someone who had a profound impact on Drury’s community and the hearts and lives of those who are a part of it.

Article by Sammie Ellis



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