Donald Trump’s Neutral Good Actions as President
Editorial November 15, 2019, Comments Off 115Things We Can Agree On: Donald Trump’s Neutral Good Actions as President
In a political era that is so divisive, it can be hard for a politician, especially one as controversial as Donald Trump, to accomplish something that is positive or beneficial to all Americans. However, there have been a few shining moments through his first term as president that should leave all Americans smiling.
Firstly, he has secured the release of sixteen American citizens held hostage by foreign nations. This list includes Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was released from Turkey, four hostages held by North Korea, a couple and their three children being held by the Taliban and a couple being held hostage in Venezuela. Trump freed more captives in his first three years as president than Obama did throughout his two terms. These releases also came without Trump conceding the release of terrorist leaders or paying out cash settlements.
Secondly, he has undoubtedly made positive changes in the American economy. Manufacturing jobs in the United States have grown at the fastest rate in the past twenty-three years. Unemployment rates for those without a high school diploma have also reached an all-time low in the U.S. The Wall Street Journal reported that average wages have risen 3.1 percent under the Trump administration, with low-skilled workers harboring the biggest benefits of the increase.
Finally, in October of this year, Trump announced the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. United States special operations succeeded in a nighttime raid of Baghdadi’s compound. Trump stated that capturing or killing Baghdadi, who had been responsible for the murder of many innocent Americans, was “the top national security priority of [his] administration”. The successful raid of Baghdadi’s compound has left ISIS with no foothold on future leadership plans, and many of their classified documents were recovered by the special operations forces.
While Donald Trump may miss the mark of a successful president in many people’s eyes, it is important to give credit where it is due. This remains true even if the credit is being given to someone on the opposite side of the political aisle. It can sometimes feel hard to remember that not all actions by an opposing party are inherently “bad”, and that our priority as Americans should be the betterment of our nation and our world. Yes, even if some of the betterment is due to Donald Trump.
Article written by Colin Harper.