Urinetown comes to Drury: Students will perform the satirical musical
Uncategorized November 1, 2019, Comments Off 101This fall, Drury theatre department will put on Urinetown, the dystopic story of a society that charges people to use public restrooms, leading to social control by the upper class and leaves the poor struggling.
It’s a strange name and an equally strange premise.
“It’s a satirical comedy musical about this town that has been in a water shortage for 20 years now, and that’s caused multiple problems for everyone,” said sophomore Blythe Hopper, the stage manager for the show.
“Urinetown in itself is a show that is made to make fun of classic Broadway musicals,” sophomore Ahilyn Aceves-Cortes explained. She plays Pennywise – no, not that one – in the production. “It’s very self-aware that it has a bad name… but it’s a satire of sorts, because it’s a comedy that’s explaining this very weird problem.”
Shows draw a good crowd and receive plenty of support from the student body.
“A majority of the people who come see productions are Drury students and faculty, along with family of those involved in the production, and we always have a really good turnout for our mainstage shows,” said Hopper.
Drury theatre sees involvement from students outside of the degree as well.
“I just do theatre for fun,” Aceves-Cortes said. She majors in criminology and psychology, with a minor in French. “I know that a handful of people there do it just for the enjoyment of theatre… Drury theatre definitely opens doors for a lot of people.”
Hopper, who is a theatre major, enjoys the relationships they make.
“I love being surrounded with people who are just as passionate about theatre and just as committed to putting on the best show possible. Not only are we really close, but the faculty helps us with connections around the country, which is really nice.”
Theatre adjunct faculty Josh Inmon and Beth Falukos have developed the show, but most of the work is left to the students. Inmon oversees stage direction and Falukos works with music direction.
As for any show-stopping moments in the show…
“We have the classic Les Mis step and the flag being flown across the stage by the one and only Alex Jones, who is the flag-bearer,” Aceves-Cortes laughed. “So be sure to watch out for that.”
Urinetown runs at 7 p.m. Nov. 13-16 with a 2 p.m. matinee showing on that Sunday in the Wilhoit Theatre. Tickets are $3 for Drury students and faculty; $7 for non-Drury students; and $13 for adults.
Article written by Maclen Johnson