What it’s like to be a Republican on a liberal campus: Drury College Republicans share their story and vision

What it’s like to be a Republican on a liberal campus: Drury College Republicans share their story and vision

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Drury College Republicans is an on-campus organization designed for students to share their voice. Considering Drury’s student demographic, it can at times be hard for conservative students to find their voice. The group helps others do just that.

About Drury College Republicans

The organization is designed to give students a safe space to discuss and express their political beliefs. Dayton Doudican, President of Drury College Republicans, is excited about the upcoming year and the opportunities the organization gives students.

“College Republicans on the Drury campus promotes political awareness, as well as, provides a voice and an avenue for politically conservative students,” explained Doudican.

Along with the mission of gaining awareness, another goal of the organization is to open the conversation among like and unlike-minded individuals. Treasurer of the Drury College Republicans, Ashlyn Yoder, explained how she confronts being the minority on campus as a Republican.

“It’s an odd experience to suddenly be a minority, but we use it to our advantage. When people question why we have such different opinions, that opens the door to conversation,” said Yoder. “Some challenges include people assuming that Republicans are all bigots who are completely close-minded. The only way to overcome these issues is to have a productive, open conversation.”

The importance of political differences

Photo via pixabay.com

Drury College Republicans have a goal of allowing individuals to become more aware of and encourage interaction with politics. Doudican attests to the purpose of the organization.

“One of the goals of the Drury College Republicans is to promote and encourage political discussion, as well as, political participation amongst students,” explained Doudican.

The goals of the organization turn into its mission. Yoder continued to explain the hopes of the organization and the impact they wish to have on campus.

“We hope to impact the community by starting a respectful and productive conversation,” stated Yoder.

Drury College Republicans hosts events throughout the year as well as co-host events with Drury’s Young Democrats. To join the organization, students can contact the organizations’ officers President Dayton Doudican, Vice President Quincy Standage, Secretary Jake Kroger and Treasurer Ashlyn Yoder.

Written by Elaine Choate.



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