The Robert and Mary Cox Compass Center: A Holistic approach to education

The Robert and Mary Cox Compass Center: A Holistic approach to education

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With the recent overhaul of Drury’s curriculum, comes the unveiling of the Robert and Mary Cox Compass Center. The Cox Compass Center is focused on integrating academic, career and life achievement. It is separated into three parts, academic advising, career planning & development and academic life coaching.

“The Robert and Mary Cox Compass Center merges existing holistic academic and career advising with academic support services to help students thrive at Drury,” explained Dr. Jennifer Joslin, director of the Cox Compass Center.

The basis of the new addition is to give students a more complete education, focusing on more than just the academics, but the student as a whole.

“Thanks to the vision of President Cloyd and the incredible support from the Robert and Mary Cox family, the Cox Compass Center will help students thrive at Drury and meet academic, career, and personal goals,” said Joslin. “But we are only a small part of the larger ‘Your Drury Fusion’ experience and other exciting changes coming to campus as part of the Campus Master Plan.”

The Cox Compass Center is only a fraction of the benefits students are set to receive with the unveiling of the ‘Your Drury Fusion’ experience. Cindy Fiedler, director of the office of academic advising, is excited about what this change offers to students.

“Services to students will be improved because we are being more thoughtful in our approach, working more closely with Career Planning & Development, and identifying and beginning to address more effectively student needs for academic support,” explained Cindy Fiedler.

With the expansion of services coming to Drury, all students are encouraged to utilize these services, whether they be on the Fusion or CORE track.The goal of these services is to unify the support available to students.

The Cox Compass center will soon present “Go Further: Academic Skills Workshops,” a series with student success in mind. These workshops will be held on Mondays at noon in the FSC 204  starting September 16.

The Cox Compass Center is currently located in Bay Hall, with exceptions for tutoring support. More information can be found on the Compass Center website,

Article written by Elaine Choate.



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