Book by Drury alumna Dr. Meg Myers Morgan out December 4

Book by Drury alumna Dr. Meg Myers Morgan out December 4

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Dr. Meg Myers Morgan is the recent winner of Drury’s 2018 Young Alumni Award. She is a professor at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, career coach, author and public speaker. On Dec. 4, 2018, Myers Morgan’s second book, “Everything Is Negotiable: The 5 Tactics to Get What You Want in Life, Love, and Work,” will be released.

In this book, Myers Morgan draws upon her own experience as a woman, balancing home and work life as well as the experiences of her female graduate students. True to its title, the book is about negotiating for the things you want in all aspects of life.

Cover of “Everything is Negotiable: The 5 Tactics to Get What You Want in Life, Love, and Work.” Photo via Dr. Meg Myers Morgan.

“When we think about negotiations for women, we think about salary. Women historically negotiate for their salary at a much much lower rate than men, which is just one reason why we are paid less than our male counterparts, even less for women of color. The book is not just about salary. All kinds of things are up for negotiation. Anything that you value can be negotiated or renegotiated,” she said.

From Drury to TEDx Talks

Myers Morgan majored in English, writing and public relations. She graduated from Drury in 2005. She describes Drury as a place that “lets you do your own thing.” Professors, like Dr. Regina Waters and Dr. Peter Meidlinger to name a few, encouraged her to follow her own path.

In 2016, Myers Morgan was invited to give a TEDx Talk after the success of her first book, a collection of humorous essays. She was asked to give the audience advice regarding the theme of those essays, which she describes as “modern womanhood.” After this talk, Myers Morgan secured a deal to write her upcoming book.

“[Everything Is Negotiable] is based on the TEDx Talk which was about my 4-year-old daughter’s ability to negotiate for things so well. I was so impressed by her fearlessness and unapologetic attempt to get whatever she wants. The book is really on that premise,” said Myers Morgan.

The inspiration behind the book

Myers Morgan’s inspiration came from watching her two daughters interact with others and navigate the world around them.

“At what point in a girl’s life do we stamp out that confidence, that ability to ask for what we want, or the ability to speak up or scream up?” asked Myers Morgan. “You watch my 7-and 4-year-olds; they have no shame. They’re still kind and wonderful humans, but they are asking for what they want. You look at my graduate students who are in their late 20s and early 30s and you look at me, and we are struggling to speak up in meetings. Where did that disconnect happen?”

The book delves into Myers Morgan’s questions and observations about the differences between how men and women are perceived, how they intercede for others and themselves, and how they view their responsibilities in the workplace and at home.

“We ask women how they do things, like ‘how do you do it all,’ which puts women in this really weird position. You have to justify your every move. Nobody ever asks my husband how he has kids and a job. I have the greatest partner. He is a very equal partner, but he also gets a lot of thanks for that,” she explained.

Myers Morgan advises women to pursue the things they want to do and be, regardless of what anyone else may think or say.

“My argument is that there are more obstacles in front of women than men. Often, we [women] sort of negotiate against ourselves. A lot of the book is about clarifying what it is you really want. If you do not make it clear on what you want, you can’t negotiate for it. It’s really about moving those mental obstacles. I’m not saying men don’t do that, but I don’t see men do that to the same degree that women do,” said Myers Morgan.

Myers Morgan and family. Photo via Dr. Meg Myers Morgan.

While her book focuses on the specific and often systematic hurdles women face, Myers Morgan stated that her book is not just for women. Negotiating for what you want is a universal concept.

“I’m a big believer that if we are going to move the needle for women, we are going to need our male allies at the table,” said Myers Morgan. “When I gave the TEDx Talk, I thought I was talking specifically to the women in the audience. I was surprised that of the people that came and talked to me afterwards it was probably an even split between men and women.”

Meet the author

Myers Morgan will visit Springfield on Saturday, Dec. 15 for a book signing. She will be at Barnes & Noble on 3055 S Glenstone Ave from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. that day. You can pre-order her book online from Barnes & Noble or Amazon.

Written by Taylor Stanton.


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