Drury’s Pi Beta Phi to host “Puttin’ on the Lips”: A night filled with lip-syncing and supporting a good cause

Drury’s Pi Beta Phi to host “Puttin’ on the Lips”: A night filled with lip-syncing and supporting a good cause

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On Monday, Nov. 12, Pi Beta Phi will host “Puttin’ on the Lips: An evening of lip-syncing musical fun” at Clara Thompson Hall. The theme for this year’s event is classic rock, and all performances will be to songs of that genre. The evening will begin at 7:30 p.m. with two lip-sync and dance routines from Pi Phi members.

Let’s rock!

At the event, groups of students from various Drury organizations will perform. At intermission, the Beartones, Missouri State’s most well-known acapella group will give a performance. There will also be a raffle going on throughout the evening.

Pi Phi member, Haley Olsen, who leads the event this year stated, “This event is the most highly attended event on campus!”

She attests the success to its high entertainment value as well as its openness to all on campus, both in terms of performance and attending as an audience.

An event with a message

Photo via “Pi Beta Phi’s Annual Puttin’ On the Lips: Pi Phi Tour” on Facebook.

Olsen also hit on the event’s role as a fundraiser and its educational opportunities. “Puttin’ on the Lips” is Pi Beta Phi’s annual philanthropic event. This means that the evening goes to support charitable causes. All funds the event earns go to support building literacy in the United States.

Moreover, it serves as an opportunity to discuss drunk driving. It will begin with a presentation from two officers discussing the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence.

“This event is held in honor of our sister, Andrea Newbold, who was killed by a drunk driver in 2001,” Olsen told The Mirror.

This year, the event is completely paperless. Tickets can be purchased for $5 here. You can also buy raffle tickets or donate online.

If you’re interested in a night of entertainment with your fellow Drury students, be sure to check out Puttin’ on the Lips!

Written by Jacob Maher.



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